Recipe: Tasty Fried Pork with Rice

Fried Pork with Rice.

Fried Pork with Rice You can have Fried Pork with Rice using 8 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Fried Pork with Rice

  1. It's of Pork.
  2. It's of tomatoes.
  3. Prepare of onion.
  4. Prepare of salt.
  5. You need of cooking oil.
  6. It's of rice.
  7. You need of water.
  8. Prepare of soy sauce.

Fried Pork with Rice instructions

  1. Cut the pork meat into small sizes.
  2. Boil in a sufuria. Chop the onion and tomatoes and keep aside.
  3. Heat a spoon of cooking oil and wet the onions in the oil..
  4. When brown add the pork and stir. Cover and cook for a little bit.
  5. Add the tomatoes and stir some more. Add salt to taste and keep stirring..
  6. Add a little bit of water and cover. Add the soy sauce and cook till ready..
  7. Boil the water and add salt and a spoon of cooking oil.
  8. Add the rice and cover to cook..
  9. Enjoy..